School Information Report
October 2024
St Martins is a happy, safe and caring learning community where relationships are built on mutual respect and everyone is valued.
Within our aspirational environment learning empowers everyone, through hard work and positive contribution, towards independence and a successful future.
St Martins is –
• Like a family because we trust each other.
• Where people are kind, helpful and show respect.
St Martins can –
• Support us to reach our goal
St Martins will –
• Prepare us for adulthood and increase our independence.
What is Special Educational Needs and Disability? (SEND)
The Code of Practice January 2015 states that:
'A student has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, that is different from or additional to that normally available to CYP (child or young person) of the same age.'
At St Martins School we fully support our students to enable them to overcome the barriers their difficulties may present so that they are able to reach their full potential.
Who can I talk to about my child's learning?
At St Martins School we strive to promote and establish positive relationships with our Parents and Carers.
The following opportunities are available to Parents and Carers so that discussions can take place around your child’s learning:
• Phone or email contact with your child’s pastoral teacher
• Comments in your child’s school planner
• Meetings with your child’s pastoral team or a member of the leadership team; including Key Stage Leads and the Senior Leadership Team
• Parents evenings are held twice a year – Autumn & Summer
• The Chair of the Academy Council leads the Teaching and Learning Committee on the Academy Council.
• Annual review meetings – your child’s Education Health Care Plan will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
Heather Woodward is the school’s SENCO. As SENCO, Heather ensures that your child’s EHC Plan objectives are reviewed on a yearly basis. Annual student centered meetings are held to discuss the progress your child is making and what provision is required to ensure positive outcomes are reached.
Heather is also responsible for:
• Providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school, so that they can help students to achieve the best possible progress.
• Working with a range of professionals to support your child and their day to day learning/engagement e.g. STEPs team, Speech and Language…
• Being involved in reviewing how your child is doing and liaising with all other agencies which may be involved with your child including Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Complex Behaviour Service, CAMHs and Social Care.
• Responding to consultations about student placements Y6 to Y7 and in-year transfers.
The types of SEND provided for in our school are...
Our school provides support for students across the four areas of need as laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
• Communication and interaction difficulties (such as ASD and speech and language difficulties)
• Cognition and learning difficulties (such as Moderate and Severe Learning Difficulties and Disabilities)
• Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
• Physical and sensory difficulties (such as hearing, vision and sensory processing difficulties)
The school recognises that the student may need support in more than one of these areas.
Our School is...
St Martins joined the Shaw Education Trust in May 2020. Within our main school the age range of our students is 11 – 16 years (Year 7 – Year 11). There is also provision for 16-19 year olds in our Horizons 6th Form, which is based in the City Centre (Iron Gate). We run a DFN Project SEARCH, a supported internship programme for Post-18 students. This is currently based at Derby Royal Hospital. Derby City Local Authority commission places at our school. There are 230 students currently on roll. St Martins is co-located on a shared site with Noel Baker, a mainstream Secondary School, on the Derwent Campus. Within this exciting environment we have developed a creative and ambitious curriculum which is underpinned by the five key elements of the SHAPE-concept.
What are the different types of support available at our school?
All teachers have the highest possible expectations for your child.
The quality of teaching and learning is reviewed regularly to ensure the highest possible standards are achieved.
• Teachers adapt planning to support individual needs.
• Teachers use a variety of teaching styles and cater for different learning styles to allow students to access the curriculum.
• Teachers and other adults in the classroom work together to give targeted support according to your child’s needs.
• Your child is fully involved in learning in class.
• Strategies which may be suggested by the SENCO or other professionals working with your child are in place to support your child to learn.
Adaptations to curriculum or learning environment may be made to remove barriers to learning. Things such as:
• Small group work
• Additional support through the school’s Wellbeing Team
• Personalised & adapted timetables
• Programme of vocational and creative options
• Using differentiated resources
• Use of ICT – laptops to support written work
• Sensory breaks
• Use of colour overlays
• Visual timetables
• A range of alternative communication system e.g. symbols and Makaton signing.
• Use of work stations
What other agencies support our school?
You will be asked to give permission for your child to be referred to a specialist professional. Key agencies supporting our students include Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy Service, Complex Behaviour Service, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service, Social Care, STEPs, Connexions, Educational Psychology, Education Welfare Service and the School Nurse. This specialist input will help the school and you to understand your child’s needs better and so support them more effectively.
The specialist professional may work directly with you and your child and may make recommendations on support strategies to be used at home and in school.
How do we measure your child's progress?
Students’ progress is continually monitored by class teachers, subject teachers, Heads of Key Stages, as well as the SENCO. We use a range of assessment tools, including the school’s Steps Assessment System, to track student progress. Progress is then reviewed at regular intervals and formally once each term through Pupil Progress Meetings. Your child’s progress will be reviewed at the annual review meeting of your child’s EHC Plan. You will also have the opportunity to speak to class teachers, subject teachers and other relevant professionals at a Parents/Carers evening.
How can I let the school know I am concerned about my child's progress in school?
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress you should, in the first instance, speak to your child’s pastoral teacher.
If you have concerns that your child requires additional support after speaking to your child’s pastoral teacher, you should contact the SENCO or a member of the SLT.
What support is there for my child's overall wellbeing?
At St Martins School we believe that happy and emotionally healthy students make the best learners. All students have a strong pastoral team that supports their learning and wellbeing. In addition to the robust pastoral support provided the school has also established a Wellbeing Team which provides additional, targeted support to promote and develop the emotional wellbeing of our students. Provision is highly personalized to each individual child’s needs and includes:
• Support from the school’s Designated Senior Mental Health Lead.
• Support from the school’s Lead Practitioner for Families
• Learning Mentors who support individual students and small groups
• Positive play sessions
• Lego therapy
• Nurture groups
• Forest School and an extensive Outdoor Education Programme
• Using a positive support approach
• Sensory room sessions and the employment of sensory interventions
• Trained experts in Autism to advise on wellbeing for these students.
• Peer to peer support and mentorship
• Opportunities to spend time with our School Dog – Martin.
Voluntary Services that could support your child
• Umbrella (
• Fun-abili8y (
• Disability Direct (
For more information go to
Support for Parents and Carers
Partnerships with parents and carers is central to the way we work at St Martins School.
All members of the staff team would like to make themselves available to discuss your child, their learning and their needs.
The first point of contact would usually be your child’s pastoral team. These staff will get to know your child very well over time.
Your child’s learning is constantly reviewed and progress is shared with parents and carers regularly.
Staff in school are able to sign post you to other agencies and professionals as appropriate and required.
We have a dedicated Family Support Team at St Martins who are able to provide a range of support and advice to parents and carers. This support includes signposting and support with referrals such as the Early Help Assessment.
There is an active PTA in school.
How do we support students with medical conditions?
The school follows ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions Statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England’ December 2015.
The school has a policy regarding the administration and management of medicines which can be found on the school website. Care plans are in place for individual students as required. These are available to all staff and written in consultation with parents, carers and relevant professionals. Staff across school are trained in, as required, pediatric first aid. Specific staff working with identified students have the required training to meet individual, complex medical needs.
Accessibility for All
St Martins School was built in 2012 to cater for a wide range of students with SEND; including those with physical needs and complex medical conditions. The site is fully accessible for all. Facilities include toilets, showers, a lift, rise and fall sinks and cookers and hoists.
There are ‘calm areas’ for students to work quietly, without distraction. There is a purpose built sensory room to meet sensory integration needs.
Separate outside spaces provide opportunities for all to enhance learning and wellbeing.
St Martins is a fully inclusive environment, where every learner and all members of our school community matter equally. We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people.
The school’s Equality Policy can be found on the school’s website by following this link:
Supporting Transition
If you feel that St Martins is the right place for your child and name the school in the EHCP, the Local Authority will consult for a place here. At this point staff from St Martins will review all relevant paperwork to assess if we can meet your child’s needs. St Martins then reply to the Local Authority consultation in relation to;
1. Can we meet your child’s needs?
2. Is the placement of your child compatible with the efficient education of others?
The Local Authority then makes the decision whether or not to offer a place.
Once confirmation of a place is agreed, a school visit will take place following by opportunities for an Open Evening and tour of the school. We then work with the previous school to support the transition process.
Transition into St Martins can happen at any point of your child’s schooling between Year 7 and Year 13.
Leaving St Martins
Our curriculum fully prepares our students towards independence. Students focus on transition pathways during Years 10 and 11. They have the opportunity to visit and meet with a wide variety of Post-16 providers in the City; including St Martins own 6th Form provision – Horizons. Impartial advice and guidance is given throughout this time. We also have a Transition Mentor who supports the students and is part of the annual review process. Parents and Carers, as well as students, are supported in this process. Bespoke transition plans are put into place, once a destination is decided.
Student Voice
At St Martins School we listen to our students. We actively seek their views to shape and develop our provision. Students are empowered and have shared ownership within the school.
We elect two Head Students who play an active role supporting students in the School Council. They have wide responsibilities and are often the public face of the school.
A valued School Council makes positive contributions to the daily life of the school.
The students are encouraged to be involved in various forums such as:
• The ECO committee
• Derby City Youth Forum
• Interview Panels
• Students meet and greet visitors and when appropriate conduct visits around school.
• Student questionnaires are conducted annually.
• Annual Review Meetings
• Students have their own vision statement, communication charter and rules of conduct.
Professional Training
All staff working at St Martins are committed to continued professional development and training to keep up to date with changing needs, new initiatives and developing practice.
There is considerable expertise and experience amongst the staff team.
Complaints Procedure
Any complaint from a parent or carer is taken seriously and dealt with as quickly as possible towards a positive resolution.
For our Complaints Policy, please go to:
Our School information report is also available to download through our policies page.