Careers Policy 2023/2025

This policy statement sets out the St Martins and Horizons 6th Form arrangements for managing the access of providers to learners for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.

This complies with legal obligations under Section 42A & 42B of the Education Act 1997, commonly known as the ‘Baker Clause’ or provider access policy, and the statutory guidance on Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers issued in October 2018. It has been written with the following DfE guidance in mind focusing on: Statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff.

Section 42A & 42B of the Education Act 1997 requires governing bodies to ensure that all registered students at the school are provided with independent careers guidance from year 8 (12-13 year-olds) to year 13 (17-18 year-olds).
St Martins and Horizons 6th Form must ensure that the independent careers guidance provided:
•    is presented in an impartial manner, showing no bias or favouritism towards a particular institution, education or work option.
•    includes information on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and technical education routes.
•    is guidance that the person giving it considers will promote the best interests of the learners to whom it is given.

How we do this –
Our students have KS4/KS5 visits to educational providers and local training provisions. We actively encourage providers to visit school/Horizons to promote training course (please contact school Careers Leader if you are a training provider) – including an annual Next Steps event.
We provide career guidance from an external level 6 qualified careers adviser for KS4 and KS5 students.

Gatsby Benchmarks
The statutory guidance from the DfE regarding career related learning (Careers guidance and access for education and training providers, October 2018) has the long term vision for a world class careers provision and states that schools should be using the Gatsby Benchmarks as a framework to develop and improve practice.

There are 8 Benchmarks to work towards –
1.    A stable careers programme
2.    Learning from career and labour market information
3.    Addressing the needs of each pupil
4.    Linking curriculum learning to careers
5.    Encounters with employers and employees
6.    Experiences of workplaces
7.    Encounters with further and higher education
8.    Personal guidance

How we do this –
We measure the schools progress on this via the Gatsby Benchmarks Compass+ tool, this allows for regular monitoring and implementation of good practice – please see Careers and Employability curriculum map 23-25 for an overview of activities.

Career & Labour Market Information.
Students and parents can access information regarding Careers through a number of different ways. If parents wish to discuss either options, post 16 pathways or other aspects of education and employment, they can contact the school Careers Leader or our transition lead (details below).

How we do this –
We have up to date information in school (leaflets, display board etc.), a representative from the DWP works with our students (KS4 and KS5) every week, termly employer visits and the following websites are useful for up to date placements and info –

Staff training & Development
The School Careers Leader takes part in careers network meetings and updates relevant training as part of the school appraisal system.
Monitoring, review and evaluation

  • We monitor data with 3 assessment rounds across the year, tracking progress through accreditations directly linked to IAG/employability curriculum.
  • We monitor and publish destination data with a focus on employability and educational pathways.
  • Performance management objectives for staff directly linked to employability, enterprise, IAG and work experience programme.

Here is an overview of the Careers Programme taking place at St Martins School and Horizons Sixth Form– 2023-2025:
•    Work experience programme embedded into student’s weekly timetables at post 16, extended over each term – accredited through Princes Trust units within Horizons where possible.
•    Employability and Enterprise sessions accredited through Princes Trust as part of the SHAPE your future curriculum within Horizons.
•    Employability and Enterprise sessions following school futures curriculum including IAG sessions embedded in St Martins SHAPE curriculum.
•    Vocational offsite placements for all Horizons students one day a week – Catering, Fitness, Digital Skills and Art.
•    Employer visits to set of 5 separate sectors – Hospitality and Catering, Leisure, Digital, Construction, Care.
•    Job Centre Plus representative to work with Yr 12s and Yr 13s on employability.
•    Student enterprise business based in Derby City Centre– all students are interviewed at the beginning of the year for the different roles.
•    Careers talks each term, various sectors.
•    Enterprise day and Careers day for Whole school mid-June, working with business partners and employability specialists.
•    Skills Builder programme embedded in KS5 with links to all essential skills in employability.
•    Annual Next Steps event held at St Martins to showcase providers in City that are appropriate for our students.
•    Project Search internship scheme at Royal Derby Hospital – led by St Martins/Horizons staff for students with EHCP leaving Yr13.
Please see Careers curriculum map for whole school activity plan.
Please see additional info for useful websites.

Details of careers programme can be accessed by contacting the school Careers lead, through the school website, parent consultation meetings and annual reviews.

Careers Lead: Phil Swindley -  – 01332 571151, 
Transition Lead: Ryan Gascoine –  – 01332 571151
Enterprise Adviser: Shaista Bibi – Rolls Royce (to contact Shaista, please get in touch with Phil or Ryan)

Careers and Employability curriculum map

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Derbyshire Decisionz Magazine:

Get Ahead Magazine: Get Ahead Magazine – issue 2_0

National Careers Service:
This is the national website that is produced by the government – it offers labour market information and up to date careers advice.

National Apprenticeship Service – use the following link to search and apply for vacancies

Icould– Excellent website with great videos linked to careers, the buzz quiz and plenty of resources

Careers box– Some great resources here – superb videos about real everyday jobs.

‘All about Careers’ A really useful site for labour market information and has an online careers test.

My kinda future’ – Good website for teachers and students to create and store a CV – links to labour market information.

‘Get my first job’ – Good point of reference for traineeships and apprenticeships.

Success at School– Mainly Careers advice info for students, has an online shop for resources.

General useful careers sector websites – creative jobs and careers – NHS careers – Careers in sport – Construction Industry Training Board

Useful websites for colleges and providers in Derby – post 16. – Derby College– Juniper Training – Twenty Twenty – Transition 2 – Access Training – Academy of Hair and Beauty – YMCA

Career Programme and Career Events Feedback Forms

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St Martins School and Horizons 6th Form would welcome any employer to take part in our innovative and outstanding community. We hold annual Careers Days, enterprise activities and weekly sessions that benefit hugely from employer input.

If you would like any more information on events, have any ideas for projects or would like to read case studies and overviews of successful events/work experience placements please feel free to contact us.

Premises and facilities

St Martins host an annual provider event called Next Steps, please contact Phil Swindley for details of the next event.

We encourage providers to visit our school and we will ensure appropriate facilities and resources are available for group sessions, the times/days of these can be flexible and will be agreed through prior discussion with careers/transition lead.

We welcome providers to forward copies of prospectus, course literature or opportunity information via post, email or in person at reception for the attention of Ryan Gascoine, Transition Lead –  These will be shared with students through our CEIAG based Futures lessons and relevant information displayed in key areas.

Our safeguarding policy can be found here and we expect providers to familiarise themselves with this prior to visit. Discussion with careers/transition lead is essential to ensure content of session is at the appropriate level and delivery for our students.

Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about jobs, help you learn about different jobs and identify potential careers.

It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different jobs, as well as descriptions.

Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected.

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.