Opening times
School starts at 8:45am and finishes at 2:30pm. Students are in school for 28 hours 45 minutes per week.
School Meals
School meals follow the Derwent Campus menu and the cost of the meals is £3.00 per day – payable via ParentPay. Students can bring their own lunches also. Copies of the menu are available to view here.
St Martins is a nut and sesame seed -free school – please do not send any food products containing nuts or sesame seeds into school.
After – School Clubs
After School Clubs take place on Mondays and Thursdays. Information is sent home via pastoral leads.
Educational Visits and Residentials
Our students take part in off-site educational visits and activities as part of our SHAPE curriculum . We see this as an important part of learning as well as gaining other valuable skills in the community. All students are given the opportunity to go on a class or school residential that is appropriate for their levels or independence and their ability to cope with the challenges and experiences that will be offered. Positive attitudes, respect for others and co-operation with staff is always expected. You will need to sign consent forms for local educational visits and activities as well as for any residentials. We do raise money to subsidise all trips and residentials to reduce costs to families.