We are excited to open our doors once more on Monday 5th September, to both new and current students. This is going to be a great year!

There has been a big change on the main school site – we now have gates that are operational during the school day to keep our site more secure.  These gates should be working from Monday 5th.

Morning arrival – gates will be open until 9:15am.  If your child arrives at school after this time, please use the intercom on the gate to speak with the office for the gates to open.

Afternoon pick-up – gates will open at 2:10pm in the afternoon for pick-up.  Parents/Carers and Transport will not be able to access the site to wait before this time.

The gates will then close again at 2:45pm for Noel Baker students to leave.  Please note that vehicles are not able to arrive/leave the site between 3:05pm-3:15pm.

After School Clubs – if your child attends an after school club, you will need to use the intercom when collecting them at 3:30pm.

There may be some initial teething problems with the gates at first, so please bear with us during this time.  Thank you for your support with this.